Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A bold election proposition.

Hey, would you fill out a survey for $45?  What if we made it easy for you and told you the answers first?  Would that be worth half an hour of your time?  Well I go this idea, see?

The economy, in case you haven't heard, is still in the toilet.  The number of foreclosed mortgages has because so large that the onerous task of keeping track of the paperwork to legally foreclose a house is too big to actually do, making it necessary to forge the necessary documents.  This leads to mistakes, such as foreclosing on homes that don't actually have mortgages.  Regular Americans just don't have enough money to throw around.  I have thought of a solution.

Conservative estimates of campaign spending this year suggest that a total of at last 3.7 billion dollars will be spent on midterm elections this year.  This money is spent largely on advertisements meant to induce people to vote for somebody.  That's a shaky way to get someone's vote.  Ads can misfire.  There can be backlash.  It's hit or miss.

Somewhere around 40% of eligible voters vote in midterm elections.  There are 200 million eligible voters in the USA.  40% of 200 million is 80 million.  Why not just divvy up the 3.7 billion and pay people to vote for you?  It works out to about $45 per voter.  I think plenty of people would get to the polls if they were paid to do it.  Somebody who works in a Pringles factory is not going to be insulted if you offer them $45 to vote Republican.

I'm sure we could institute some receipt system so that the folks cutting the checks would know we didn't screw them and vote our conscience.  Whaddya say, America? 

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