Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Insane man with gun treated in reasonable manner at state fair. Film at 11.

I just read a Salon article about a guy at the Alaska State Fair who was holding up an anti-Obama banner and shouting at the crowd and some stuff that the security guys did to him.  There's a video in the article, so go watch it and tell me what you think.

Couple quick thoughts about this.
1. The Fairgrounds are private property.  Crazy assholes aren't allowed to walk into your house and support Lynden LaRouche for president by yelling insults at people in your living room.  That's because your house is private property.  The Alaska State Fair is the same kind of situation.  they let people in to mill around and buy stuff, not to engage in rowdy public discourse
2. That guy is clearly fucking nuts.  As the video shows, he's a crazy asshole.  When you're running a fair, where there's, like, kids and stuff walking around, you want to discourage assholes from being loudly insane on the premises.  Weird, twisted shit happened over the course of his life that made this guy so overwhelmed with rage that he feels the need to act inappropriately in a crowded place.  As security, it would be your job to get him to fucking quit it.  If he's gonna be cool about it, it means he can just leave.  If he's gonna continue to be a crazy guy, some stepping on his neck may need to take place in order to control the situation.  Cops do so much way worse shit than this every single day.  It's baffling why his would be misconstrued as news.  Hence the title of today's blog.
3. That crazy asshole had a gun on him.   My fucking word!  Guns ain't allowed at the Fair!  People don't like insane people to have guns.  If this guy was waiting with you at a bus stop, and you happened to notice he had a gun on him, You would suddenly remember a not-waiting-at-the-bus-stop type errand you had to run elsewhere, out of bullet range.Come to think of it, how did he get a 12-foot banner into the fair?  He carried that through the gate when he bought his ticket and nobody was like "Um, sir?"  What's he gonna say, that it's his walking stick?  But anyway,  had he tried doing that routine with a gun at, say, a presidential visit, or Chilkoot Charlie's, They'da shot him in the face and put him in the dumpster, end of story.
4.  In Alaska, being anti-Obama is like being anti-AIDS.  Anti-Obama protestor, eh?  'Spose it's a government conspiracy?  Well, before you judge, allow me to present some counter-evidence.  First, here's a link that shows the likelihood of the Democrat taking the Governor's seat in the next election.  It's *.  Label readers will recognize * as Nutrition Facts abbreviation for "less than 2%."  That's right, there's more iron in my Sugar Smacks than there are votes for Ethan Berkowitz.  Additionally, here's the poll returns for the 2008 election.  As you can see, Obama got18% more of the vote in Arizona than he did in Alaska, and remember, they're openly racist in Arizona.  Point being, this guy's Obama-as-Hitler banner was not really an issue for some political reason.  If anything, it's why they didn't shoot him.  He certainly has the sympathy of the crowd, as you can hear. in the video.  While you're at it, though,Look at how badly Obama stomped McCain in Hawaii.  He lost like three to one.  You don't normally see that kind of thing in a presidential election.

So maybe this whole thing is being blown out of proportion in the Salon article just a bit.