Friday, July 19, 2013

How to argue like a Republican

There's a very common trick that I see all the time when dishonest assholes argue.  It is widely used by proponents of Republican politics.  First, you think about what your goal is.  Then, once you've figured out your goal, you accuse your opponents of trying to accomplish your goal.  For example, if your goal is to foment racial hatred in order to divide people who ought to be working together against the interests of your employers, you'll want to call your opponent a racist, and claim they're trying to tear the country apart.

The beauty of this method is that you attack them and you also steal what they were going to say.  They're left just staring at you in disbelief that you would lie so brazenly.  If they're the really empathic type, which a lot of liberals are, they might even stop a second and try to see if maybe you're right.  It's the trolliest kind of trolling there is.  Plus, of course, idiots believe you.  It's basically the best argument style possible, so long as you don't actually care about being truthful.

DISCLAIMER: This only works if your intentions are evil.  

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